Fourth day

Read slowly two or three times: Mark 10, 17-27

What does this scene from the Gospel tell me?

What meaning does it have in my life?

Could I think of any option, make any decision?


                 Pray in silence

                 Write down any idea


Lord, help me to understand your Spirit.

You know what you want.  You have, Lord, an absolute clarity about the objectives that you propose:

                 The Kingdom of Heaven

                 Forgiveness of sins

                 Comfort to those who suffer

                 Evangelisation of the Poor

                 What a programme!

Lord, you consecrate your life to an ideal without failing in the tasks of every day

"In the morning much before dawn he arose, went out and went to a deserted place and there he prayed"

You lead an austere life:

Long journeys on foot followed by apostolic activity

Life in the open air, exposed to the rigors of climate, without having a place to lay down your head.

You take up a valient attitude, you take on whatever, in all your actions:

                 The expulsion of the sellers from the Temple

                 The answer to the representatives of Herod

                 The walk to Jerusalem

                 Your reply before the tribunal

You speak clearly.  You present your programme without pretence, without fear that your disciples may go away


This is the programme of Jesus
All Christian have a part to play in this, to live off all of this.

Pray as at the end of each day