The reason for which I am created
Man and woman are created, we are created in order to revere and serve God. And through this to save our soul.
Everything else, everything created, should help achieve this purpose: God.
We should make use of things "as and when" they help to achieve this purpose.
For this I need freedom, interior and exterior:
Interior freedom: not to be a slave of sin, of evil, of vices.
Exterior freedom. Not to be a slave of anyone, no person, no group etc.
This means that I must take options.
What does it benefit a man to gain the entire world if he loses his soul?
Meditate, consider each of these ideas.
Read Philippeans 1, 9-11
How is this fulfulled in me?
Dedicate a time to prayer
Then write down what you are feeling
Helpme to listen to your voice: what does it benefit a man to gain everything, have everything, if he loses his soul?
Help me to contemplate your hands (I look at my hands)
Hands that caress the face of the Virgin in Bethlehem, in Nazareth
Hands that bless the children
That join in prayer
Hands nailed to the cross
That cure the sick
Hands that give out the bread and the fishes to the multitudes
Finish with the usual prayers