Fourth day

The Church, sacrament of reconciliation


"The Church, sign and instrument of the intimate union of God and men, of friendship of all mankind" says the Council (Concilio) in "Light of the People".


The task of the Church

To announce reconciliation:

In the midst of a conflictive society

The society in which we live will not end in CHAOS but in reconciliation.  God the Father that accepts us.

Read Revelation 21, 3-4

We will always have conflicts, but the destination is not failure but reconciliation.


To ´put reconciliation into effect:

To give impulse to it, to make it possible.  TODAY, now it can be a reality in me.

Two great tasks:

To live and to educate in the dynamics of COMMUNION

Live as a brother of all men

To promote dialogue

Above all with words that construct


To celebrate reconciliation

Announce, put into action and celebrate forgiveness:

Three words so important in my life!

This is celebrated and made apparent in the sacrament of reconciliation.

I have in my hands the possibility to come to two sources of LIVING WATER:
Individual reconciliation with God
The Eucharist, which celebrates forgiveness and promotes unity and charity.

What does all this say to me?

Write down some notes and recite the ending prayers.